As featured in
The New Zealand Listener & Sussex Life magazines

C r e a t e d b y

3D Projects III
Activity 1: art by stealth?
Here in Seahaven we have a Guerilla artist who places his uplifting and whimsical art in public places.
It looks as if s/he has drawn and cut out these pieces from a wooden board (10mm thick) with a jigsaw. S/he has probably used spirit-based paint to protect these fun pieces from the weather.

*It is always best to get permission to show your art, for obvious reasons.
Activity 6: using 'found objects'
This installation stood in Brighton with the title of 'For Fish's Sake Brighton and Hove, bin your litter!'. All the litter was collected from Brighton and Hove's beaches....
This is a really good idea for a group project in a school or in the community to raise awareness of a critical issue.

Activity 7: colourful quilling
This activity lends itself to a school project or even an art installation. It looks like the group have cut out squares from cardboard boxes and used coloured paper and PVA glue to set the rolls in place.

Activity 2: leaves and leaves
This mobile installation was hanging in one of the Oxfam charity shops and made me think how the leaves of a book and the leaves of a tree come from the same source.
1. Cut out leaf shapes from different coloured papers that cover the range of colours you might find in spring, summer and autumn. You could gather and trace your leaves on a lightbox.
2. Cut rectangular pieces of paper, fold in half, draw half a leaf on one side and veins within. Cut out the negative spaces as above.
3. Use quotes from poems about nature to write on each leaf.
4. Hang them up with fishing line.

Activity 3: twit and twoo
These two owls were being displayed in a retail shop in Sevenoaks and were probably worked with wire mesh and strips of cut wire. I would fix the paper feathers to the wire with small pieces of sticky tape but you might think of a better way of putting these together.
*You could also make these out of willow.

Activity 8: topography project
I found this idea from Art @ Massac. The students began by drawing an organic shape on construction paper. They then traced the shape and drew a smaller version inside, using this as a template to cut a smaller shape, and so on.
Pieces of styrofoam were used to separate each layer, placing the pieces above each other to make it easier to press down as the layers were built up. I would use double-sided sticky tape to adhere the styrofoam to the paper.

*You could link this with Ordnance Survey maps, rock formations or even Google Maps.

Activity 4: cardboard city
This could be an interesting community (or school) group project, reflecting upon homelessness and the 'cardboard city'. It could also link in with the 'favela'.

*You could also look at Jane Jacobs' battle with Robert Moses and his style of urban development.
Activity 5: 'rock-on'
This is a great project using glass beads and mosaic tiles. As well as buying small ready-made mosaic tiles you could also break up old crockery and use tile cutters to cut them into the shapes you need.

You can also buy mosaic glue and you will also need mosaic grout for inbetween the tiles, when you have stuck them down. Make sure you have Tile Nippers or Wheeled Nippers for nipping and cutting.