As featured in
The New Zealand Listener & Sussex Life magazines

C r e a t e d b y

3D Projects
Activity 1: prayer loom
A loom like this, made out of wood and string can have many applications.
It could be a prayer loom, or a loom of quotations, affirmations or words that might combine to form a poem.

There were no instructions with this but you can see that it is made out of 2 small and 2 large sticks.
Drill holes into the smaller ones at regular intervals (perhaps 15mm), screw them onto to larger pair and then feed strands of string through the holes, knotting them at each end.
Activity 2: using found objects
It can be a lot of fun finding bits from a skip to create a piece of art. This one is just great! Found on eye-likey.blogspot.com

Activity 3: stick painting
Similar to creating yarn sticks, there is stick painting:

Created by Lindsay Campbell.
Activity 4: yarn tee pee
An inspiring individual or group project using branches, wool and glue:

Artist unknown.
Activity 5: zentangles on polymer clay
This activity using polymer clay could be done using petroglyphs as inspiration.

Activity 6: found wood activity
This uses found wood to create a lovely piece for any interior. It's always best to reuse wood to make a frame like the one below:

You could use a glue gun for this and paint selected pieces of wood in acrylic to give it an additional 'edge'.
Found on artpropelled.
Activity 7: willow sculpture
Willow is bio-degradable and environmentally friendly so you could produce a piece of environmental art like the moth made by Julie Starks below:

Activity 8: paper & wire construction
This is a wire and paper installation by Joel Armstrong, which can lend itself to a variety of creative projects.

This could be combined with the sculptures of Henry Moore to produce a modern piece of wire and paper sculpture.
Activity 9: brush heads
Made from spent brushes. Created by a mix of plaster and PVA glue? Try some mixes yourself. What do you think works?

Found on funsters.com.
Activity 10: tin foil portrait

1. Create a foil face - this one looks as if it is a profile piece, cover half the face.
2. Photograph it and then print/photocopy it onto A3.
3. Trace over it onto another piece of paper using a light box, including the crumpled section to the left!
4. Create a modern piece of art using watercolour paints or inks.
*Could link in with a tour of bronzes.
Activity 11: gargoyles
Some time ago I went on an Adult Education ceramics course to understand the process of working with clay, slips and firing my pieces in a kiln. I particularly enjoyed making tealight holders and making gargoyle tiles, which could be a way for people to get in touch with challenging emotions.

From Sales from the Crypt.
The gargoyle below has been made form a polymer clay mini art mould, which could also be used for paper casting or with Plaster of Paris.

Activity 12: ceramic fish piece
A great example of a fun piece or group piece made up of different elements.

Stoneware wall plaque by Britt-Louise Sundell Nemes, active at Gustavsberg 1954 - 1982